
What is the Multisite feature?

If you sell or operate in more than one store site (location), you can activate the Multisite feature for easy site-based reporting, product catalog and stock management.

You can set up your sites and manage them on Once your sites are set up, you can start to use them on the Zettle app to accept transactions.

Once you’ve started selling at different sites, you can measure the health of your business through Reports that track valuable data such as top-selling products and sales stats for each site.

With Multisite, you will also be able to use a separate Product Library and Inventory for each site you create, thus enabling you to manage and control the catalogue and stock for each site.

Getting started 

To set up Multisite, go to Then, click Account & Settings > Multisite. Once you click on Activate Multisite, a Primary site will be created for you.

What is a Primary site?

The Primary site will be always your first site. The Primary site details are editable and you can update the address to your preferred address. 

All transactions prior to activating Multisite will be grouped under Primary site on Reports and Receipts.

A Primary site cannot be deactivated, as you must have at least one site active.

If you also sell online (e.g. BigCommerce or Shopify) and have an active integration to share inventory with the Zettle point of sale, on activating Multisite, the online sales channel will share the inventory with the Primary site. Learn more about Multisite and Inventory here.

When your Primary site is created, your existing Product Library and Inventory will be available there.

To add additional sites, click on the “Add a new site” button on the Multisite Settings page. Fill in the address correctly as this address will be printed on your receipts.

You will have the option to copy your existing Product Library to the new site you create by checking the box. If you do not check the box, you will need to assign or create products in the Product Library. The inventory for all the products at your new site will need to be updated to reflect the accurate stock count. Learn more about Product Library with Multisite here and Inventory with Multisite here.

Managing Sites

You can edit the addresses and names of your sites easily using the pen icon.

If you decide to close a location temporarily or permanently, you can deactivate the site. By doing so, you cannot use the site on your mobile devices. However, you can still access reports and receipts for the respective site on

If you are using the Saved carts feature, please note: when you deactivate a site, saved carts in the Zettle app will be deleted. To prevent loss of data and reporting inaccuracies. If you deactivate a site currently being used in the Zettle app, the merchant account logged on to that site will be prompted to select another active site in the Zettle app to continue transacting.

Using Sites on the Zettle app

Once you’ve set up your sites on, you can use these sites on your mobile devices. To sell at a site, you will first need to select a site.

Once you select a site, all transactions performed at that site will be reported under that site on Reports and Receipts on If you do not select a site, you will be prompted to select a site for accurate reporting and receipt creation.

If you only have one business location, i.e. your Primary site, you will automatically be signed into the Primary site.

Switching between sites

You can switch from site to site by tapping on the account profile on the top left corner of the Zettle app. You will see the Sites tab next to the Accounts tab with all the active sites you have previously set up on You can then select the site you want to log into and tap Confirm on the confirmation message.

Once you log into a site, you will only see the receipts for that site. To view and refund receipts from another site, you will need to tap on the account profile on the top left corner of the screen and select the site on the Sites tab from where the receipt originated. You can also refund transactions on

When the merchant selects a site to log in to, the receipt will reflect the address of the respective site.

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