Customising your receipts

By default, your receipts will show a business name and address at the bottom. We use the name and address you have saved in your account details to do this, but you’re free to edit this information whenever you want.

Edit receipt: 

  1. Sign in to 
  2. Go to Account & Settings and open Receipts settings. 
  3. Edit the fields. You can preview the changes for digital and printed receipts. 
  4. Scroll down and Save changes. 

Get a printer 

Business details visible on receipts:

  • Business Name 
  • Email address 
  • Contact Phone number 
  • Business/Trading Address 
  • More information: Any information about your business, such as opening hours or return policy. 
  • Website 

You can also update your logo in Account & Settings > General account settings. 

Good to know: If you are using our Multisite feature, you will need to update the address on Multisite Settings as the address on the receipts will be that of the site where the sale or refund takes place. Read more about Multisite.

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