Product library

About the product library

The product library is the hub of all your products. This is where you can add custom images, update prices and create discounts.

Spend some time setting up your library and make use of all the smart features available so that you can ring up sales quickly and make refunds effortlessly. Once you’ve set up your library and started selling, you can measure the health of your business through Reports that track valuable data such as top-selling products and sales stats.

You can set up your product library directly in the Zettle Go app, or on - where you can do more advanced tasks like importing from spreadsheets and bulk updating products and variants.

The product library on

On, under the tab “Products” you’ll find all your products. From here you can add a new product, import or export to and from spreadsheets and edit existing products.

In the product list, you can find products through sorting and search, quickly edit multiple fields by tabbing and easily navigate to a specific product.

Sorting columns

By clicking on the column name, you can change the default sorting of the list. By default, all products are sorted alphabetically by product name (from a to z, numbers before letters). To view products in the opposite order (ie from z to a), just click the header and the order will be reversed. By clicking again you’ll go back to the default.

Clicking on the columns to change the order of your products does not change the way your products are displayed in the Zettle Go app.

Managing columns

On the top right corner of your product list is a plus icon. By clicking this button, you’ll be shown a list of options for customising the columns in your product list. You can choose as many columns as you’d like.

You can also resize your columns by hovering a pointer on the area between the columns. When you do this, a line will appear and you can simply click and drag it into place. By clicking twice, it will expand to a maximum width. By clicking twice again, it’ll shrink to a minimal width. Only the width of the column to the left that will be affected and the rest of the columns just tag along.

Quick edit mode

By moving your mouse over a product, a pen and rubbish bin icon appear at the end of the row. To edit the product information click on the pen icon, edit directly in the fields and click on the check-mark or press enter to save.

By clicking on the rubbish bin icon, your product will be deleted. This cannot be undone.

Bulk delete

By selecting multiple products you can delete them all at once by clicking on the red rubbish bin icon. This action cannot be undone and the products will be permanently deleted.

The product library in the Zettle Go app

In the Zettle Go app, you’ll find all your products under the tab “Library”. From here, you can organise your products to ring up sales quickly, add new products and edit existing ones.

List or grid view?
The product library can be displayed in a few different ways.

  • On iOS
    You can either view the library as a grid (if you’re using an iPad, you can change the size of your grid by using the icon above it), or you can swipe to the left and view your library as a list with a search bar above it.

  • On Android
    You can either view the library as a grid or use the search bar at the top of your screen.

  • On the PayPal Terminal
    You can either view the library as a grid or use the search bar at the top of your screen.

Organising products in the Zettle Go app
There are multiple ways of organising the product grid in order to make it easier to find product and discount tiles:

  • Using drag and drop to set the order of the product tiles

  • Add a background color or image to a product tile Read more about product images

  • Group products together in a folder

All of these are done in the edit mode of the Sell view.

Organising your products in folders
You can group products together to find them easier in the Zettle Go app by adding them to a folder. This can be done in the Zettle Go app, or on

  • On iOS
    - Enter edit mode of the Sell view
    - Create a new folder by dragging a product onto another product
    - Delete folder by dragging all products out of the folder
    - Rename folder by expanding the folder and press the name field

  • On Android
    - Enter edit mode of the Sell view by pressing the pencil icon and press the product you want to update
    - Scroll down to the Folder field
    - Add a new folder by pressing ‘+’ icon
    - Delete and rename folders by pressing the more options (‘...’) icon

  • On PayPal Terminal
    - Enter edit mode of the Sell view by pressing the pencil icon and press the product you want to update
    - Scroll down to the Folder field
    - Add a new folder by pressing ‘+’ icon
    - Delete and rename folders by pressing the more options (‘...’) icon

  • On
    - Assign and unassign folders in the Product Details view of each Product

Good to know:  

  • Sales reports and receipts are not impacted if a product is deleted  
  • It is not possible to hide a product that is not for sale  

Adding products

In the Zettle Go app

Go to “Library” and begin by clicking the “Edit” button, followed by the “+” sign to the right. Select whether you’d like to add a “Product” or “Discount”. When you select “Product”, enter the name, price, variants if needed and a photo*. You can also select the correct VAT rate for the product if that applies to your business.

*PayPal Terminal users cannot take photos, please go to to add photos to your products.


Sign in to your portal at and go to the “Products” tab. Click on the “Add product” button in the top right-hand corner and add all relevant details such as name, price and inventory. If you have a business account, you can also select the correct VAT rate for the product.

Adding products in bulk
If you have a large number of products, you can bulk add them into your product library on by uploading an Excel file with the details. You can add up to 2,000 products at a time, and the process can be repeated if you have many products.

When importing products in bulk, you can also import inventory values. Read more about setting up inventory here.

Bulk-updating price and VAT
Bulk-updating prices, VAT rate, stock count and other fields can be done using the import feature. Read more about using import to update product data.

Adding images to products

Use images to make it easier to find products in the Zettle Go app. Add and remove images by pressing the image placeholder in the Product Details view in the Zettle Go app or

Tile colour can also be set in this menu.

Using images with online products
Products sold online can have up to 25 images. Read more about available e-commerce integrations.

Setting prices

When creating a new product in the library, you can choose to either set a fixed price or a price based on a custom unit like kilos or hours.

Price per unit
Set a fixed price or price per unit for each of your products/services. You can also leave the price field empty and manually enter the amount each time you add it to a shopping cart.

Custom unit
You can also set your own price based on a custom unit like pounds, hours or any other unit you’d like. Simply enter the unit of the product (i.e. kilo) and the price per unit. When you add a product to a shopping cart, enter the number of kilos sold and the price will be calculated automatically.

Cost price
The cost (to you) of the item – it’s optional to add this. Cost price is useful to add, as it will be used in reports that calculate profit and profit margin.

Flexible prices
The Price field can be skipped when adding a product. This gives you the option to set the price of the product when you add it to the cart.

Setting up categories

By assigning specific categories to your new and existing products, you can filter your sales reports and see how different categories have sold by week, month, year or season.

Managing categories on

Whether you’re creating a new product or editing an existing one – categories can be assigned in two ways:

Assign in bulk
In the product list, you can select a group of products that you’d like to assign the same category. For example, if you have different ceramic pots, you can add them to the “ceramics” category so that you can compare them with your “porcelain” pieces at the end of the month. Products can also be assigned to categories using the import feature.

Assign a single product
Each product has a detail page (shown below). Here you can add a category to each specific product simply by typing in the “Category” field and clicking ‘add new’.
You can always select and assign from previously created categories, too.

Unassigning a category from a product
Simply click on the “x” and remember to save. This action will leave the product uncategorised – meaning it will show up without a category in your reports.

Delete or rename a category
Deleting and renaming categories can be done by going to the Categories list view at

Creating and assigning categories in the Zettle Go app

Whether you’re creating a new product or editing an existing one – categories can be assigned on the product’s information view, in Zettle Go:

New & existing products
Start by tapping the ‘edit’ button in the Product Library and then press ‘+’ to create a new product. This will open a new view in which you can add the details of a product.
Find the option ‘Assign Category’, type the name of your category and then tap the +.
The category will be automatically selected and when you go back to the Product detail page, you’ll see the category added. Make sure to tap save for your changes to be registered.

You can always select and assign from categories you’ve created previously, too.

Filter by category in the Zettle Go app
You can use categories to filter the product list in the Zettle Go app by pressing the filter action in the Search view. If you don’t have categories, you can easily create them on a product, and if you have categories but a few products are not categorized the filter will show the option ‘uncategorised’.

Unassigning a category from a product
Simply tap the category again to deselect, this will make the product uncategorised.

Important to keep in mind while categorising products
You can change categories later by creating new ones or renaming the category. However, the new category name won’t show up in your sales reports until you’ve sold the updated product once. Historical sales keep the old category name.

Adding variants

You can add multiple variants to a product that comes in more than one option, such as size, colour and style. You can add up to three options per product. Each combination of options makes a variant. A product can have up to 100 variants in total.

For example, you’re selling a T-shirt that comes in two options: Size and Colour. The size option has three values: Small, Medium, Large. The colour values are: Black and White. A variant example for this product is T-shirt, Small, Black.

Note: If you want to add multiple variants to a product that already has legacy variant options, you will need to create a new product.

In the Zettle Go-app

  1. From the library, tap “Edit” and then the “+” button in the right-hand corner.

  2. Add a product name. If you fill in price and/or cost price, these values will automatically be applied to all variants. You don’t need to fill in barcode, in stock and SKU as these values are added per variant.

  3. Tap the Add options in the bottom of the screen.

  4. Tap Add option to add your first option. Choose between the predefined options in the list or type in a custom name for your option.

  5. Now you can add values for your option. Tap “Done” on the keyboard or tap the plus icon to add the option value. Repeat this step until you have added all values. Tap “Save”.

  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 until you have added all options to your product.

  7. Tap save. You will now see all product variants in the list.

  8. Tap on a variant to edit values such as barcode, in stock and SKU.


  1. In the Variant section of the product page, click Add option

  2. Enter a name for the first option. Keep in mind that the order you set up the options in will be the same order it is displayed as in your POS and online store

  3. Fill in option values. Separate the values with a comma or by pressing enter

  4. If you want to add more options click Add option. You can add up to three options per product

  5. A list with your variants appears below and you can fill in attributes such as price, barcode, stock and SKU. If you have entered these attributes on product details, they will be pre-filled on the variant level.

For products that don’t have any variants – pricing, stock and shipping are shown on product details. Once you have added variants, these attributes are editable on variant-level, instead of product-level.

Bulk-editing variants

If you want to edit lots of variants at once (for example, changing the price of many variants in one go) follow these steps:

In the Zettle Go-app

  1. From the library, tap “Edit” and then tap the product you want to edit the variants of.

  2. In the variant section, tap “Edit” and then select the thing you want to change.

  3. Select the variants you want to make changes to. You can also select multiple variants at once by tapping the filter button.

  4. Apply the change and tap ‘Save’


In the ‘Variant details’ section of the product page, select the checkboxes of the variants you want to edit. You can also select multiple variants at once from the top left checkbox dropdown.

  1. Select the action that you want to apply in the ‘Actions’ dropdown.

  2. Apply the change and click ‘Save’

Search and filter products 


To search for a product on, go to Products > Product Library and type the product name on the search bar to find the product. You can filter your search by sites, sales channels, and category. The products matching your filters will be displayed on your product library page. 

On the Zettle App 

To search for a product on the app, you can navigate to the list view and enter the product name in the "Find Product" search bar. Please note that you can only search for products available at a specific site within the Zettle app.

Adding to shopping cart and discounts

Adding products to the cart and using discounts can only be done in the Zettle Go App.

Adding to cart
By clicking on a product in your library it is added to the cart. Once a product has been added to the cart you can tap on the product to:

  • Increase the amount of that product

  • Add a comment regarding that specific product, which can also be done when selling a product with a custom amount price.

  • Add a discount to that specific product

Adding a discount
From your product library, click on “Edit” and then the “+” button in the right-hand corner. Select “Discount”, enter either a percentage or a fixed amount, and give it a name.

Using a discount
You can apply a discount to individual items or all items in the shopping cart. Go into the cart, click the “Discount” button, and select either a percentage or fixed amount. Or you can apply a discount to specific products in the cart by clicking on the item and editing the “Discount” field.

Barcode scanning and printing

Read more about scanning barcodes with your device’s camera or learn about the PayPal Terminal’s built-in barcode scanner.

Barcode printing
Barcode printing is available on iOS and Android. Labels are printed from the Product Details view to a printer connected via Bluetooth or wifi. The label contains the following information: Barcode, SKU, Product Name and Price.

Read more about compatible printers.

Taking payments without products

For times when you don’t want to use products, you can also take payments by entering the total amount for the sale.

  • iOS / iPhone
    Choose “Amount” in the menu

  • iOS / iPad
    Press the “Amount” icon in the cart

  • Android
    Choose “Amount” in the dropdown of the Sell view

  • PayPal Terminal
    Choose “Amount” in the dropdown of the Sell view

Read more about taking payments.

Assigning a product to sites

If you sell at multiple sites (locations), you can assign your products to those sites of your store. Here are two different methods for assigning products to multiple sites.  

Assigning a product on 
When you create a product for the first time, it will be assigned to all sites you have. To assign a product to multiple sites, log in at and click on Product > Product Library > Add product. Then, under Sites and Sales Channels you can assign the product to the desired sites. You can also unassign products from sites by unchecking the site checkbox. 

If you are a Multisite user, each site will have its separate inventory, so you can then set stock count for each site. 

Bulk assign products to sites 
To assign multiple products to sites, click on Products > Product library. Then, select the products you want to bulk assign to sites.  

Click on Actions > Assign to sites.  

Choose where you want to sell the products and click on Update products. 

You can also follow the same steps to unassign in bulk from sites. 

Unassign product from sites & inventory 
Your product may be in "unassigned" status if it has not been assigned to active sites. In the product library, you can filter by status and assign the product to the desired sites.  

If you have inventory saved for your product and decide to unassign it, the Zettle Backoffice will retain the stock count. This count will be reflected in the product detail view once you reassign the product to a site. 

To access the inventory for all products in all statuses, click on Products and then select Inventory. 

E-commerce Integrated users 
As an e-commerce integrated user, if you choose to have separate stocks for your e-commerce store and Zettle, you will have a separate stock count for the e-commerce store.  

If you don’t want separate stocks for your POS and e-commerce, the inventory will be shared with your primary site inventory.

Adding product from the Zettle app 
If you are a Multisite user, when you add a product in the Zettle app, this product will only be available in that site you created it in. To make this product available in other sites you will need to assign this product to other sites on See section “assigning a products” above. 

When adding a product from the Zettle app, you will assign it only for the specific site you’re logging in. To add the product to other sites, you can edit the product in the product library and assign it to the sites you want on 

When you edit a product on the Zettle app, all the information edited will apply to all sites except for the stock count and folder capability on the Zettle app.  

Adding discounts from the Zettle app
As a multisite user, when adding a discount using the Zettle app, you will create the discount for the specific site you are currently logged into. If you want to add the same discount to other sites, you will need to log in to each site and create the discount for that specific location.


(BETA for Zettle Android app and Zettle Terminal)

About Pages

  • Pages are a new way of structuring and ordering your product library to make it easier for you to find your items.

  • They are especially handy for large product libraries.

  • You can have up to 10 pages at a time.

  • You need to already have some products in your product library before you can show them on a page.

You can set up a page with up to 50 items and go through checkout directly from that page. For example, you can put all your most frequently sold items on a single page for busy lunchtimes. You could also group all items on sale or sold at a specific location.

Getting started with pages

You can set up pages on a mobile device or by logging in to on a desktop.

In the Zettle Android app or on the PayPal Terminal:

  1. Go to “Sell

  2. In the dropdown menu at the top, choose “Pages”

  3. Choose “Get started” to begin creating your pages

  4. Enter a name for your first page, then hit “+” or the enter key.

  5. Continue until you have created all your pages. Then hit “Save”.


  1. Login in to

  2. Choose “Pages” from the side menu

  3. Choose “Get started” to begin creating your pages

  4. Enter a name for your first page, then hit “+” or the enter key.

  5. Continue until you have created all your pages. Then hit “Save”.

Showing items on a page

In the Zettle Android app or on the PayPal Terminal:

  1. To start selecting items for your page, you can:

    a. Use the “Choose items” tile on your page grid


    b. Use the “Choose page items” button. On mobile, this is found under “Options”.

  2. Select the products you would like to show on the page and hit “next”.

  3. Rearrange by dragging the items until you are happy with the layout. Select ”Done” to save your changes and finish editing.

Frequently asked questions

How do I edit my pages in the app after I’ve finished setting up?
Go to Pages in your product library and hit the “Edit” icon.

How many pages can I create?
You can have up to 10 pages at a time. If you want to create a new page after you have reached the maximum, you will need to replace an existing page by deleting it first.

How do I delete a page?

In the Zettle Android app or on the PayPal Terminal:

  1. Go to Pages and choose the “Edit” icon

  2. Choose “Options” and then “Manage pages”

  3. Hit the “Trash” icon for each page you want to remove.

  4. Select “Save” to finalise you changes.


  1. Go to Pages in your side menu

  2. Choose “Manage pages”

  3. Hit the “Trash” icon for each page you want to remove

  4. Select “Save” to finalise you changes

How do I remove a product from a page?
You can remove a product or item from a page without deleting it from your overall product library. That item will also still show on any other pages you have assigned it to.

  1. Go to pages on mobile and choose the “Edit” icon, or to Pages on

  2. Go the page where you want to remove an item.

  3. Hit “X” on the item you want to remove from the page.

  4. Hit the "Done” to save your changes and finish editing.

How can I change the order of my pages?
You can change the order in which your pages appear in your product library by rearranging them in the same place where you created them.

In the Zettle Android app or on the PayPal Terminal:

  1. Go to Pages and choose the “Edit” icon

  2. Choose “Options” and then “Manage pages”.

  3. Rearrange the order of your page by dragging it using the dotted icon.

  4. Select “Save” to finalise you changes

On desktop:

  1. Go to Pages in your side menu

  2. Choose “Manage pages”.

  3. Rearrange the order of your page by dragging it using the dotted icon.

  4. Select “Save” to finalise you changes

How do I go back to “Sell” from “Edit pages” on mobile?
You can stop editing pages and go back to “Sell” view on mobile by selecting the “Done” button on any page grid screen. This will also save all your changes, including selecting or rearranging your items.

You can also hit the “X” icon in the top left corner on any screen, however, you may lose some changes if you haven’t selected “Done” after making them.

How many products can I show on a page?
You can add up to 50 products to a page.

I have reached the maximum amount of products on a page. How can I add new items to this page?
Deselect some items using the checkmark box or go back to the page you want to edit and hit “X” on the item you want to delete. Then select the new items you want to show.

Can I show a product on multiple pages?
Yes, you can

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